Coaching with Chelsea Green

Masters Level Therapist, MA
Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC in SC
Registered Climate Therapist, CPA-NA

Equine-Assisted Learning
Family Constellation Facilitator

“The person you’ll have the hardest time opening to and truly loving without reserve is yourself. Once you can do that, you can love the whole universe unconditionally.”
― Adyashanti

“What can I expect from coaching with Chelsea?”

Chelsea works as a clinically-trained coach, pulling from her experience as a meditation teacher, couples & family therapist, and professional mentor to personalize her offerings for each client. Coaching sessions with Chelsea can take place online via video, over the phone, or in-person for nature-based coaching at Fauna Forest Farm in Jonesborough, TN.

Coaching offers support for people with non-clinical levels of need. This may include relationship issues, family dynamics, communication & boundaries, goal-setting, and overall emotional wellness. ​ 

Coaching does not include clinical diagnoses of mental health disorders and cannot be billed to insurance. Coaching is not a replacement for clinical mental health therapy or any other professional or medical service. ​

Insights are helpful, but new experiences are catalysts for change.

As humans in a mind-dominated society, we often get in our own way when trying to break patterns or shift stagnant energies. Involving nature and animals in our work together brings the hidden & unconscious elements of our healing to the surface, while also strengthening our connection to the natural world.

The spontaneous moments we experience in sessions with animals on the land & in nature lead to synchronistic insights otherwise not possible - a deep & genuine reminder of our interconnectedness with all things.

Services I offer…


Individual, couples, and families can apply for coaching sessions with Chelsea. These sessions are offered in a variety of packages or as an ongoing service. Coaching sessions are designed to meet clients where they are.

Mentorship for Practitioners

Practitioners in all stages of their career are offered a non-judgmental and constructive space for courageous conversations. These sessions can illuminate your path, deepen your impact, and help you continue to find profound meaning on your professional journey.

Family Constellation Sessions

These unique experiences take place in one-on-one sessions or in groups that explores the relational dynamics within a family system. In the group format, unrelated people come together to gain insight into their own family systems as well as to expand their personal perspectives.

Contact Chelsea:
