Now Hiring a Program Director at The Earth School:

Seeking a nature-loving leader with creative vision &

a devotion to the cultural reunion of childhood and the wild earth.

If interested in applying, email a cover letter and resume to:

“Passion is lifted from the earth itself by the muddy hands of the young;

it travels along grass-stained sleeves to the heart.”

-Richard Louv

Now Hiring!

Earth School Program Director 

Jonesborough, TN 

To apply for this position, email a cover letter and resume to:

Role Description: 

The Earth School Program Director role is well suited for someone with a  love of nature-connection programs for youth– both program development and design, as well as a passion for teaching children and mentoring instructors, within a farm and forest setting. We are seeking someone with therapeutically-informed knowledge in childhood development. This position is for an individual interested in a leadership role with a commitment to providing holistic educational experiences for children that support deepened relationship to place, self, and the natural world. 

Role Responsibilities: 

*Facilitate team meetings with Earth School instructors 

*Mentoring instructors

*Develop and support the implementation of nature-connected,  seasonally-informed curriculum

*Support and grow a cultural fabric that centers care of both the human and ecological community

*Tend to family communications and community relations

*Administrative responsibilities and leadership 

*Plan and coordinate seasonal community events, with staff support 

*Steward and grow a community fabric rooted in values of wellness and deep connection with self, other, and place


*Bachelor’s degree (preferred Master’s)

*Farming/gardening/animal husbandry experience preferred, though not required

 *Experience in any of the following fields: nature-connection camps/homeschool programs, nature-based rites of passage programs, wilderness therapy programs, therapeutic farming/gardening programs for children, Waldorf educational programs, forest schools, nature-informed homeschooling, and/or farm schools (or other related fields.) Experience in several of these types of programs is preferred.  

About The Earth School:

The Earth School is an outdoor educational farm and forest program for children ages 3-14, located on a 33-acre farm in Jonesborough, TN. The program primarily serves homeschool students who attend 1-4 days per week. There are two cohorts on site per day, each with an outdoor pavilion classroom as their homeroom. The educational approach is holistic, place-based, and child-led, with a primary emphasis on the following areas: primitive skills, community building, farming/homesteading skills, earth arts, music, ecology, and mindfulness/emotional literacy.

The Earth School program is devoted to supporting the mental, physical, emotional, and psychospiritual thriving of children and families in East Tennessee through experiences of meaningful nature-connection. We hold a vision of a cultural reunion of childhood and the sacred living earth. 

To learn more, visit:

To apply for this position, email a cover letter and resume to: